TUM Forum Sustainability

Science, Reason & Responsibility – Forward Thinking for the Post-Corona Era

On the contents of the book

The Corona pandemic has confronted the global community with challenges of historic proportions and put the world into a state of continual flux for well over a year now.

Inherent in this global change process lies the chance to transform the stasis into a social progress. In this forward thinking publication some 90 well-known representatives from science, education, business, media and politics support this multi-layered innovation process. From a professional perspective, they want to contribute to making the future more people-friendly, also for future generations.

Central questions are:
What do "responsibility" and "sustainability" mean in political, economic and social action? What are sustainable innovations in technology, communication and education? How can digitalization and artificial intelligence contribute to solving these major challenges?

We, the authors, want to encourage our readers to deepen the new skills and experiences gained during the pandemic, be it in school and university education, in private and professional communication or in production and sales in small or large companies. The courage to dare something new, scientifically based and without long discussions, may be preserved.


Additional Information

The interdisciplinary group of "Emeriti of Excellence" forms the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty in its entirety. Its members can look back on many years of research, teaching and organisational activities. With their leading position in science, their outstanding commitment beyond their own field of work, as well as their excellent network into society, this group brings together manifold experiences in professional, social and societal respect.

In their independent position as "Emeriti of Excellence", the members of the Senior Excellence Faculty see themselves as an action impetus. They take up urgent questions and central issues of the university and society and try to turn them into concepts and initiatives. The intention of the Emeriti of Excellence is to act as bridge-builders and catalysts for discussion as well as to connect the various institutions of the university and society in a goal-oriented way.

With this volume, the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty has, once again, linked the various disciplines and demonstrated that the potentials of science are the enginges of progress in modern societies and their sustainable further development.

TUM Emeriti of Excellence (EoE)


ISBN 978-3-00-065966-9


Dr. Birgit Herbst-Gaebel
Project Manager
TUM Senior Excellence Faculty

Technical University of Munich
Presidential Office
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München

Tel: 089 289 22092
e-Mail: herbst-gaebel(at)zv.tum.de

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