Scientific Events – TUM Senior Excellence Faculty

Various activities of the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty are reflected not only in their commitment to the development of TUM and the associated tasks, but also in a wide range of scientific events. It is here that the variety of interdisciplinary topics addressed by the TUM Emeriti of Excellence in symposia, lectures and other events becomes evident. Many of the events are organized in cooperation with other universities and research institutions and in collaboration with high-ranking national and international scientists, both internally and externally.

Overview of past Events

The TUM Forum Sustainability is an initiative of the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty since 2016 in cooperation with the Institute for Earth System Preservation IESP e.V. and the TUM Institute for Advanced Study. The aim of the initiative is to bring the topic of sustainability, from an interdisciplinary and scientific perspective, into greater public focus. In addition, decision-makers in business and politics are to be supported in their sustainable actions by providing concrete examples and recommendations for action. The majority of the scientific events arose from ideas  within the TUM Forum Sustainability.

Overview of past events

Symposium at the TUM Sustainability Day | Launch of the TUM Mission Network Circular Economy
Symposium and panel discussion (Oct. 27, 2022) within the framework of the TUM Forum Sustainability

Circular Economy | Symposium and Book
Symposium at the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach (2021) and book publication (2022) within the framework TUM Forum Sustainability

Tech-Histories Alive
TUM Emeriti of Excellence lecture series in cooperation with the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology (since 2018)

Röntgen Symposium
125 years of X-rays – a "big bang" for science: sceduled for May 2020, cancelled due to the lockdown during the corona pandemic

Violated Earth – Violent Earth
TUM Senior Excellence Faculty workshop at the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach (2019) within the framework of the TUM Forum Sustainability

Africa Symposium
Sustainable Development in Africa; symposium of the TUM Emeriti of Excellence in cooperation with the TUM School of Governance (2018)

Event Archive
Overview of previous scientific events of the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty