Bernd Radig

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Former professor of image analysis and knowledge-based systems
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

born July 24, 1944



Computer scientist Bernd Radig conducts research in artificial intelligence, specifically in mechanical perception to understand images and image sequences. His investigations focus on cognitive systems that can see and understand what their cameras record. That includes the reconstruction of a three-dimensional world from two-dimensional images, the modeling of moving 3-D objects in image sequences, the semantic description of image sequencing and objects, as well as the automatic analysis of visually observed events. He helped advance the depiction of street traffic scenes as well as the automatic, parallel analysis of human movement (gesticulation, facial expression, body language) or the cooperation of autonomous mobile systems, such as robot football or service robots. Bernd Radig takes care cleverly to combine highly diverse research disciplines to allow for complex interrogation directed at generating concepts for practical and user-oriented solutions. This goal is documented in numerous successful research projects and particularly evinces itself in his close collaborative research with businesses within the industry. Bernd Radig was the founder and spokesperson for the board of directors of FORWISS, the national, inter-university research center, as well as of the consortium of Bavarian Research Associations (abayfor) – two organizations that, in collaboration with science, business and politics, are concerned with realizing innovative research projects. Additionally, he put his scientific and organizational expertise to good use as co-initiator and member of the board of management of the Excellence Cluster CoTe Sys. He is currently focusing on computer-assisted analysis of football (soccer) games in television recordings and the automatic construction of sighted machines. As a consultant and expert for ministries, governmental agencies and companies, Bernd Radig enjoys a lofty professional and academic reputation.


Short biography

1967 – 1972 Study of physics and automata theory, University of Bonn
1978 Doctorate in information technology, University of Hamburg
1982 University teaching qualification in information technology, Hamburg University
1982 – 1986 Professor of computer science, University of Hamburg
1983 – 1986 Acting director of the chair of cognitive systems, Department of Computer Science,
University of Hamburg
1985 – 1992 Appointments to the University of Karlsruhe, TUM and TU Berlin
1986 – 2009 Professor of image analysis and knowledge-based systems, TUM
since 2006 Head of the research group “Intelligent Autonomous Systems“
since 2012 Head of the research group “Image Understanding and Knowledge-Based Systems”


Memberships and honors

Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Member of the German Informatics Society (GI) and co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence division

Co-founder of KI, the GI Artificial Intelligence division’s magazine

Co-publisher of the International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

General chairman of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM) annual symposium (1981, 1991, 2001)

General chairman of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Munich (1988)

Founder and spokesperson for the board of directors of the Bavarian research center for knowledge-based systems (FORWISS) (1988-2006)

Founder and chair of the Association of Bavarian Research Cooperations (abayfor) (1993-2007)

Supervisory Board mandates of companies in IT and telecommunications

Organizer of the 5th Open German-Russian Workshop “Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding”, Herrsching am Ammersee (2005)

Vice-Chairman of the Open German-Russian Workshop “Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding”, Nizhni Novgorod (2011) and Koblenz (2014)

Member of the board of management of the Excellence Cluster CoTeSys (2006-2011)



  • German Federal Cross of Merit (1992)
  • “Pro meritis scientiae et litterarum” of the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art (2002)

You can download "Explanations of honors and awards" here [PDF 215 KB]