Professor Klaus Mainzer | Ehrendoktorwürde der Alma Mater Europaea in Maribor

Aktuelles, Mainzer |

Professor Klaus Mainzer, TUM Emeritus of Excellence und Präsident der European Academy of Sciences and Arts, erhält die Ehrendoktorwürde der Alma Mater Europaea in Maribor. Die festliche Verleihungszeremonie fand am 08.03.24 während der "12th Annual Conference of Europe`s Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars - "It´s About People 2024: In Service of Sustainability and Dignity" in Maribor statt.

Professor Dr. Ludvik Toplak, Gründer und President des European Centre Maribor und Vice-Rektor der University Alma Mater Europaea übbereichte die Ehrung an Prof. Klaus Mainzer und würdigte seine herausragenden Leistungen:

"The task of science is to provide answers to new challenges, and thus prevent threatening contradictions and develop values and technologies in the education system to ensure peace and well-being in society. These are questions to which Professor Dr Mainzer has devoted himself in his work for several decades. Alma Mater Europaea – ECM expresses its gratitude to him for his outstanding contributions to science and philosophy in the vision of a new Renaissance and awards him the title of honorary doctorate."

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